How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
Be it forever, infinite shalt not stand in my way
Though hate were to roam in its rightful place
Ti`s love that burn my heart in vein
I’ve trodden by far and beyond one’s strength
Yonder thy heart perished mine with no breath
What paints the nights, ever I have pondered
Beneath thy beauty I found my answer
Love’s first love, thine own self be
For thee bring forth the Eden ’s eve
Let the gods curse, their wrath let it fall on me
For I’ve held thy hand, destined with beauty
Poets shalt linger in thine eyes so deep
Lost in thy gaze, a poetry that seep
Words of thy art better left unsaid
Thou art more than words that ever laid
Thee be my worship, my solitude hymn
Thee be my love
The love that maketh the cupid’s lines
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